Sell+Scale Summit with Helium10’s Bradley Sutton

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September 20-22, 2022
With $100 OFF

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00:00 In this podcast
00:28 Intro
00:41 Hello Bradley
01:49 Why Everyone Should Go to the Sell+Scale Summit 2022?
02:46 It all starts with conferences
04:52 Chief Speaker Gary Vaynerchuk
05:46 We made the performance more interesting
07:06 How did you invite Gary?
09:49 I will lead Zumba fitness
10:38 This conference will be everything that you have not seen before
12:50 Who will benefit from the Sell+Scale Summit?
14:26 First meeting
15:33 3 type of audience
16:32 Speech from Bradley
17:14 Discount from Izabella
17:38 More selfies we love it
18:21 Outro

Previously on our platform we have mentioned the importance of attending industry events and networking: as sellers we can’t learn everything from behind a screen, and we should not deprive others of our hard earned wisdom either. Helium10’s Bradley Sutton shares his origin story on this episode of Amazon Made Simple, and gives details on what sellers can expect from one of the most anticipated conferences of the year.


Is spending the money on travel and events really worth it? Bradley Sutton Answers.

Both Izabella and Bradley share a common Amazon origin story, and they trace it back to attending their first conference. Bradley worked in supply chain and warehouse management for a retailer that was making over 1,000 sales per day on Amazon, and instead of teaching Bradley about the ins and outs of Amazon, they kept him in the dark. Being the go getter he is, Bradley invested all the money he had into attending his first conference. You heard it right. That was no exaggeration. Bradley spent his savings on a flight, the event ticket, and a rental car that doubled as his hotel room. If Bradley Sutton spent his savings just to get his foot in the door, we can all be confident that investing our money directly on ourselves as sellers is an equal if not BETTER investment.


How big is Helium10’s Sell+Scale Summit? It’s YUGE.

Helium10’s approached their event’s creation through a very specific lens: how can they do something that’s never been done before in our industry?

Putting first things first, Bradley says they decided to think not just about selling on Amazon and Walmart, but ecommerce as an industry. Next, they purposely limited the number of exhibitors to 56 because they wanted to emphasize on the quality of interactions, the networking and learning, and we all know it’s impossible to focus if we are jumping from booth to booth trying to squeeze them all in. And finally, an interesting spin on speakers. Instead of the standard speaker-with-a-slide-deck approach, Helium10 paired up industry experts that have never interacted before and put them on a shared stage. A Virtual Assistant (VA) hiring expert from the Philippines and another from Pakistan will have a live discussion about best hiring practices, the same for product launch experts, and many more.

Kicking it all off will be none other than  ****Gary Vaynerchuck! Gary is a serial entrepreneur and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. He will be the headline speaker at Sell + Scale Summit amongst other highly notable e-commerce speakers.

And to add more fun to the mix, Bradley will lead a Zumba dance class on the morning of day one to get our blood and creative juices flowing. Others will lead meditation and breathing sessions, and other unique events that Helium10 is keeping under wraps. Sell+Scale Summit will truly be something you have to experience in full force; social media will NOT do it justice.


Sounds…intense. Is this event really for beginners?

Sell+Scale Summit is for EVERYBODY, not matter where you are on the seller journey. Remember: both Izabella and Bradley got their start at a conference. Helium10 has designed this event to cover the WHOLE spectrum of ecommerce.

  • Beginners – come learn how to get started in the industry from the best in the industry
  • Struggling sellers – come network your way to finding the solution for your business
  • Advanced sellers – expose yourself to the newest growth techniques and expand strategic partnerships


I’m IN! Where do I sign up with a discount?

Come join the Ritz Momentum team in Las Vegas’s Virgin Hotel on September 20-22, 2022. Use code S3PAXBELLA at checkout to get your $100 discount for your ticket to Helium10’s Sell+Scale Summit.

Click here to learn more about how Ritz Momentum can help you start or expand your Amazon business.


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