DOs and DON’Ts for Listing Copywriting – Podcast With Emma Schermer Tamir


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00:30 ► Intro
00:52 ► Hi Emma
02:07 ► How did you get started writing commercial texts?
06:11 ► How do you find keywords?
10:26 ► What are the best keywords?
13:46 ► Copywriting tips for our listings
16:29 ► All about the Bullets
23:00 ► Placement of keywords
25:56 ► How to protect your listing
28:02 ► The AI is not good enough yet
32:12 ► Summary
35:23 ► Who is your ideal client?
38:11► How to contact you?
40:00 ► Outro

Throughout her career, Emma has had a knack for writing. Emma’s journey in the world of copywriting started in her Midwestern hometown, where she started a marketing business with her best friend.

She was fascinated with how language’s power can be utilized to achieve whatever goals you have as an Amazon Seller. In this conversation, she provided some valuable tips on how you can improve your listing copywriting.

Keyword Researching and Copywriting Listing Go Hand in Hand!

Keywords and a listing copy go hand in hand. You shouldn’t do one without the other. They really are kind of two peas in a pod.” This is what Emma has to say to emphasize the importance of keyword research when it comes to copywriting.

While it’s perfectly fine to use tools like Helium10 and Data Dive, Emma also focused on using non-traditional keywords that can help us give insight into future trends. Customers often don’t use the exact keywords to search for the products. So, it’s important to cover all the bases of what’s happening in the broader space.

Emma explains that apart from keyword research, research, in general, is extremely important. It helps Amazon sellers like you understand who your customers are and gives you a really solid grasp of the competitive landscape. For every product you offer, hundreds and thousands of other competitors are trying to get customers to click on “Buy Now.”

Not Putting the Brand Name of Your Competitor in the Search Term

Emma is a big fan of playing by the rules of Amazon Business. As per her, not taking any shortcuts may slow you down a bit. But it will ultimately help you build a business and asset that has value to it. For instance, using your competitors’ names in your Amazon Backend Keywords may lead to the suspension of your account. So it’s always a good idea not to take big risks.

Aiming For at Least Five Phrases to Incorporate Into the Listing

In an ideal copywriting listing, you should aim for at least five phrases to incorporate into the listing. You should avoid making a string of keywords and using the same word repeatedly. It is confusing and doesn’t help invite the customer to click on your product. So you should figure out how to fit those puzzle pieces together while still having space for other information that may not be keyword specific.

Combining High-Ranking Keywords Inside of the Low-Ranking Keyword

You will be more competitive when you go after lower-volume keywords at first. Therefore, it’s always a good idea not to initially go after high-search volume keywords. While it may be exciting to use high-ranking keywords, you’ll ultimately come face-to-face with already-developed brands on Amazon Business.

These brands have multiple traffic sources and excellent ratings. Ultimately, you will not be able to compete against them to win in the PPC bids. Thus, you’ll end up wasting all of your money.  You should remain highly focused and targeted throughout. You will then be able to expand and move toward the high-ranking keywords.

Organizing Your Bullets Well

According to Emma, “the bullet’s job is to help them find whatever information they need to reinforce that yes, this is the right product, you’re in the right place, this is what you want.” Bullets are places where someone is clicking into your listing, and they think your product is likely the one they are looking for.

This is where you need to connect with your customers at an emotional level and convince them that this is the product that they absolutely want. You should organize your bullets well and ensure they are engaging they provide whatever information the customers want.

Creating a Theme For Each Bullet

To create a theme for each bullet, you need to ask questions like

  • Why does somebody care?
  • How will it impact somebody’s life?
  • Why does it matter?

This will allow you to connect to the customers more personally and emotionally. You need to be careful about throwing in too many keywords. A long string of keywords may not help people understand your product.

Familiarizing Yourself With Buyer Habits

You need to be really thoughtful about understanding different buying habits. For instance, products such as a picture for your wall would not require many technical details. The customers will focus more on the actual picture of the product rather than its technical specifications.

On the other hand, customers may love to research the products they are willing to buy and might read everything written on the product page. It is up to you to identify your buyer types. Only then should you set up your listings. To avoid overdoing your keywords and incorporate them more naturally, your keywords should be the descriptors for your products. In short, one should avoid being “greedy.”

Not Leaving Any Empty Space in Your Listing

When working on your listings, do not leave any empty spaces. This will help Amazon Business in ranking your listings much more effectively. It also defends your listings from hijackers. Leaving any blank space may give people a chance to hijack your listings that might even get you suspended.

While it may seem time-consuming, it benefits you in the long term. You can always hire a professional writing expert to help you file out the empty spaces in your listings.

Investing In A Human Writer And Avoiding Artificial Intelligence.

While many AI copywriting tools are available, they are less effective than human writers. Unlike humans, AI is not capable of doing research, following trends, or connecting with customers at an emotional level. This will ultimately impact the quality of your output in Amazon Business.

Using AI Copywriters Always Come With a Risk

According to a recent Google report, any AI-generated content is not in line with their terms and conditions. This is alarming news for people who prefer AI writers to save costs.

Humans can do much better to bring creativity and understand how different components, like branding and positioning, work together. One wrong-written listing might cost you a lot of money, and you get delisted. This is why investing in a good professional copywriter for your Amazon business is always a good idea.

An Expert Copywriter Can Boost Your Visibility, Reach More Shoppers And Increase Your Sales!

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