Best Way to Build Content Articles – Podcast with McClain Warren


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00:30 ► Intro
00:52 ► Hi McClain
02:49 ► Why did you decide to get into copywriting?
05:01 ► Why is copywriting important?
06:49 ► Why so many ideas?
09:09 ► How to approach research
11:24 ► What should our articles be like?
17:19 ► How long should an article be?
20:24 ► Best Approach for Content Distribution
24:09 ► She is gorgeous
25:13 ► How to contact you?
26:50 ► Outro

This podcast includes great insights from the linguistic legend McClain Warren that will help you reach your e-com goal. Like Google, the Amazon marketplace has unique characteristics and recommended practices for optimizing product visibility and reaching more potential buyers.

Listing optimization is a vital part of the marketplace that helps you increase the visibility of your listings and attract potential customers. Furthermore, well-written product descriptions can result in higher ratings and positive customer reviews. It’s clear that copywriting plays a crucial role in the success of a product on Amazon. Let’s see how, with the help of McClain Warren.

Setting You Apart From Millions!

This is the very goal of copywriting. The writing guru, McClain Warren, shares her experience as a content writer. Interestingly, McClain did not intend to work in the Amazon space. McClain went on to tell the story of how she got to her current place.

Seven years ago, the love of writing drove McClain to a copywriting job where she worked for listing optimization. That is where she learned about Amazon space and got more insight into the marketing industry.

What Tickled Her Fancy

This intrigued her to take up marketplace copywriting – helping brands find their voice and personality to stand out from the competition. To succeed in that, McClain says, you need to resonate with your audience and make them think they do not just want the product; they need it. Make them feel they know and trust your brand so they are highly invested in it and keep coming back.

Asking All The Right Questions

Elaborating on her writing process, McClain says that many people choose e-commerce mainly due to money and flexibility. McClain works closely with all sellers, including those that are not particularly attached to their products. This helps in getting a deeper insight and in-depth reasoning behind their products and the brand.

  • Why did you pick this product?
  • Why did you do product research and boil it down to ten products?
  • Why did you choose this one?
  • What is the audience passionate about, even if you are not passionate about your product?

This will help you write meaningful, purposeful content that best conveys the brand message and hits the targeted audience right in the sweet spot.

Keep Em Hooked!

If you are not passionate about your product, one thing you can do is make the buyers passionate about them. McClain states that target research goes beyond age and gender. It includes learning about their interests, passion, and ambitions. That is what sets you apart from other sellers. You paint a story. You resonate with them. You make them feel. You make them think.

You Are Not Selling a Product, You Are Selling a Dream

As for her own clients, 95% of them are Amazon Service Providers. Whether providing service for Amazon or web content, she tries to answer all the questions they might have regarding her work on her home page, so they are hooked from the very start.

Make Them Believe in the Dream Like You Do

McClain is sure to add life to whatever she types, to form a connection with the user. She explains the power of story writing, advising the use of creativity, imagery, and media to create a promise they can’t refuse. Remember, you are not just selling a product but a future, something that will make their life better and easier.

Don’t just list the features; sell them on the unique benefits; make them believe that the missing piece of the puzzle is their life. Answer the important questions. Do not be afraid to explore the who, what, where, when, and why.

Put Effort Into Making It Look Effortless!

Do not make your article ‘salesy,’ as McClain puts it. People put their guard up when they know they are being sold something, just like in an encounter with a door-to-door salesman. A good article is one that gives readers the information they need with a subtle slip-in of CTA or product link without pushing them.

So, without being too obvious, you will achieve your goal and make them subconsciously think, “Oh, all these benefits that this article is talking about, I can get some of those at least by purchasing this product.”

Keep It Short and Sweet!

McClain notes that people have a very short attention span in current times. They are looking for quick information. Giving them long articles means saying “goodbye” to them. We need articles that do not read like novels yet quickly convey valuable information.

However, this does not apply in every situation. If you are writing to make your brand more ‘discoverable’ and not just to inform your subscribers, you may need to make it a little longer- probably around 1500 words. McClain believes that going further than that will lose your reader and defeat the entire purpose.

Here Is How The Social Media Buzz Works!

McClain shares her article’s boosting strategy when talking about social media promotions. She takes the juicy parts of the article with the most value and adds these few sentences in her actual post. In her own words, “So I’ll just do quotations, put it in the written section on Facebook, and then post a link to the article.”

If you just straight on provide an article, it will hook some readers, but not all. If you lead with your best lines, it is more likely to catch their eye and give them a clearer and better introduction to what is coming. This sparks more interest and, as a result, more clicks.

McClain is Open To More Clients!

If you are looking to color your brand, now is the chance. After all, she is an expert in multiple niches – not only the Amazon business and market space.

Here are some ways you can reach the copywriting legend:

Be sure to speak to your audience, make them an offer they cannot refuse!

Words have power; use them to bring change. Happy Amazoning!

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